Laura Angelia
(ラウラ アンジェリャ)
ラウラアンジェリャはブロガー、ソーシャルメディアの影響者、イベントマネージャーとコンサルタントとして、主にフードとトラベルをブログで書く。彼女もこの世界を書いてシェアしたい。 彼女はフードとトラベルに対する愛を全部ブログを通して、彼女の興奮を読者に感じさせる。 公園、祝日、遊園地、全てのことはこの場所に連れて終わる。その場所にはゲーム、乗るもの、デモ、音楽があった。この町の明かりが見える高層ビルと空に星がいっぱいあることを横になって見たところを忘れない。それらはいつも彼女のトラベルリストにある。 ラウラは現金広告、協賛、代弁、寄付および他の給与形式を受ける。 |
所在都市 インドネシアのスラバヤ
性 別 女
年 齢 26歳
スタイル フード、トラベル、ビューティ、ファッション、ホテル
Blog ブラウズ数 60,000~70,000
Instagram フォロワー数 28,000
【以下ラウラのブログポスト一部のコンテンツ。 現地のレストランについてのレビューと旅行する前の準備の提示】
Laura Angelia's blog post: in collaboration with local restaurant- Calibre Coffee Roasters Surabaya Last week I made a spontaneous decision after church; it was to hunt a new cafe or a restaurant. I was actually about to go back home, since I was so tired after a lack of sleep on a friday night because I had to prepare for my workshop on saturday, and I had such full activities on saturday from the morning until pass midnight, yet I still woke up early on sunday to go to church at 10 AM.
So yeah, long story short; I searched on my friend's Instagram and found out about this newly opened Coffee Shop in the center of Surabaya. I already asked several of my friends to join me that afternoon but none gave me positive respond, so heck it, none could stop me either (though I actually had scary thoughts about sitting alone inside a place that I never been to before). I just couldn't stand the fact that I haven't updated my blog for a very long time, so I needed to just go and put aside all of those bad thoughts behind
I drove my car for about 45 minutes to get there while actually I could arrive in about 25 to 30 minutes *sigh*, blame the not so reliable google maps and also myself for being spontaneous. My bad, I didn't do any research about Calibre Coffee Roasters before and I should've been smarter than that. But anyways, Calibre Coffee Roasters is located in Walikota Mustajab Street, just right before Grand City Mall. You can type "Calibre" on google map, and you'll find it right away.
Laura Angelia's blog post: Her Trip to Ranu Kumbolo Hei guys!!
Today's post is going to be different, because it's not going to be about foods or cafe or restaurant, but it's going to be about my traveling journey to a place called Ranu Kumbolo! It's basically a (beautiful) Lake which in the foot of Semeru Mountain. And to be honest, this is not a quite well planned trip for me, because I was asked by Amey to join the trip just less than a week before, and what the hell was I thinking when I said, "Yes" very easily just because of YOLO. hahahaha *always careless*
Actually this is what makes me wanted to visit Ranu Kumbolo, just to have these view
So, FIRST THING FIRST! If you ever ever ever going to Ranu Kumbolo, please do plan well! :
1. Research about Ranu Kumbolo
Well, at least you know where you're going, what's the place looks like, how to get there, how long you'll be staying there, is it going to be hot, or cold, what are you going to do there, what you should prepare for the trip and stuffs.
2. Prepare your self & your body
So, yes I was told that we're going on a hike, but I didn't know that it's going to be six hours of hiking, with heavy stuffs on your back, and the road that you'll be facing is a very small, rocky, some are slippy, some are very slippy, and most of them are not safe! If you ever slipped or fell, I don't think you're ever going to make it out alive after you fall, haha..
3. Prepare your stuffs
You have to know, like REALLY REALLY understand what to bring and what not, or you might regret it for the rest of the trip. So normally, you're going to stay in at least one night in Ranu Kumbolo. To hike, you need something comfortable to be wore, and when you arrived, it's going to be pretty cold, at night, it will be colder, even the coldest you'll ever experienced (if you never experience winter before). There are no such thing as a proper toilet, you'll stay in a tent, cook your own meal, with no clean water to consume unless you bring it yourself from the bottom. No one will take out your trash, so you'll be responsible for it, and many more.